(Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura)

ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura) is a blood disorder that prevents blood from clotting normally. Both children and adults can develop ITP. This disease is caused by an immune reaction against one’s own platelets.

Because platelets are cells in the blood that help stop bleeding, the decrease in platelets caused by ITP can lead to easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding.

Acute ITP starts suddenly and usually the symptoms disappear in less than 6 months. Chronic ITP can begin at any age, and the symptoms last at least 6 months, sometimes lasting for years or a lifetime.


People with ITP may not have visible symptoms. Symptoms that do occur include easy or excessive bruising, pinpoint-sized reddish-purple spots that look like a rash, bleeding gums or nose, blood in urine or stool, and unusually heavy menstrual flow.


Children with ITP usually improve without treatment. People with mild ITP may need nothing more than regular monitoring and platelet checks. Most adults with ITP will eventually need treatment, as the condition often becomes severe or chronic.

Treatment may include medications to boost platelet count, or in some cases, surgery to remove the spleen.


ITP may be triggered by a bacterial or viral infection.

As with other autoimmune diseases like GBS and ADEM, ITP sometimes follows a vaccine.

Related disorder

TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura) is a rare blood disorder that is considered a true medical emergency. In TTP, blood clots form in small blood vessels throughout the body, which can cause potentially fatal complications.

Contact Us

If you have been diagnosed with ITP, contact our office for a free consultation with one of our experienced vaccine team members. You may be eligible for compensation from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

Learn more about ITP:

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